We understand that it can daunting knowing what CSCS card you will need to work on a construction site as there are simply so many to choose from.
CSCS cards provide proof that individuals working on construction sites have the required training and qualifications for the type of work they carry out.
There are 13 CSCS cards in total that range from different skill sets and ability based on the holders training and experience.
White CSCS Professionally Qualified Person Card
White CSCS Academically Qualified Person Card
Red Experienced Technical, Supervisor or Manager CSCS Card
Red CSCS Trainee Card
Red CSCS Provisional Card
Red CSCS Experienced Worker Card
Red CSCS Apprentice Card
Red CPCS Trained Operator Card
Green CSCS Labourer Card
Gold CSCS Supervisor Card
Gold CSCS Advanced Craft Card
Blue CSCS Skilled Worker Card
Black CSCS Manager Card
The type of CSCS card you will need depends on the type of job that you do or want to do.